Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why we always need a conditioner after shampooing hair?

because scientifically shampooing your hair opens the cuticle of the hair, and conditioner is needed to seal the cuticle of the hair

and the conditioner also provides nutrients and moisture to the hair that the shampooing eliminatesWhy we always need a conditioner after shampooing hair?
your scalp creates natural oils. When shampooing, it strips those natural oils. Those oils are exactly what helps smooth the cuticle of your hair and makes it smooth and shiny. Conditioner simply helps smooth that cuticle down, by using different oils, vitamins, and wax. It also helps put moisture back into the strands to reduce breakageWhy we always need a conditioner after shampooing hair?
Think of it this way. You go running on a hot summer day, and obviously your gonna sweat. Just like your body loses fluid, your hair loses key things that it needs to stay healthy when you shampoo it. Would you drink water to replenish your body after a long run? Absolutely. And that's why you replenish your hair.
you got the scientific answer above now you get this logical answer.

Bcoz manufacturer want you to use it that way, thats why. If they wanted you to use it before they would have washed your brain that way to believe.
You don't. Its that simple. Just wash and rinse. You shouldn't need conditioner.
Try just shampooing your hair and not conditioning it.

You'll see for yourself.

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