Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What will happen if I shampooed my hair without conditioner for a year?

Will it make my hair extremely dry? Would I need to buy the same brand conditioner to revive my hair?What will happen if I shampooed my hair without conditioner for a year?
Nothing bad will happen to it, they didn't have conditioner in the stone age! But it depends what else you do to it. If you just use a good shampoo and allow it to dry naturally, then ok. But if you heat dry it and use straighteners or curling irons then you will end up with a complete mess - badly damaged and dry.What will happen if I shampooed my hair without conditioner for a year?
Why would you do that? Don't you use moisturizer on your face or body lotion or hand cream? Your hair will get dry, static and more out of shape. Hard to handle and harder to style. You will need more gel or spray or other products to style it. you will have to buy a deep conditioner and masks.
Why would you even want to? Every other day I skip shampooing because my hair get to dry? Why get rid of conditioner? Why?

Just dont.
It's not going to do any damage to your hair but as long as you aren't conditioning your hair won't feel as soft. As soon as you use conditioner again it will feel soft again.
Nothing Bad Will Happen. I've Done It Before But If You Want Your Hair To Look As Pretty As It Does When You Condition It, Then I Suggest You Get Some Grease...Or Something
if its good shampoo, then i dont think it will totally ruin your hair. but i dont know. i use conditioner every other time i shampoo.
it would get all knotty, dry, hard to control, eeeeew

doesn't bear thinking about!

doon'ttttttt do it baba
nothing,but if your hair is curly than i would use it

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