Monday, July 26, 2010

Is it HARMFUL for hairs to wash them everyday with Shampoo and Conditioner ?

Yes definetly shampoo and conditioner contains chemicals which are harmful to hair in long run more ever the common mistake everybody do is take the shampoo into palm and directly apply to the head like oil and then wash the hair this concentrated shampoo disturbs the hair root and the scalp. What should be really done is take one teaspoon of shampoo into a cup add 5 teaspoons of water mix it up and then apply to the hair this way we avoid the concentrate touching the hair root/scalp. The best thing is wash your hair everyday with green gram flour and once a week with shampoo then your problem of washing and safeguarding your hair both are solved.Is it HARMFUL for hairs to wash them everyday with Shampoo and Conditioner ?
... I am a cosmetoligst from the most highly praised school in the US for hair.. Gene Juarez Academy. There is absolutely no difference between applying shampoo directly versus mixing it first.. the point is just that it shouldnt be used daily. Report Abuse
Is it HARMFUL for hairs to wash them everyday with Shampoo and Conditioner ?
yes it is hamful for your hair wash your hair thrice a week with fruit shampoo and before wash day use oil and message your scalp. Direct shampoo in your hair is also hamrful. When you can use shampoo mix some drop of water and then use it in your scalp
yes. you shouldn't wash your hair more than 2-3 times a week because the shampoo %26amp; water dry out your hair and scalp. plus, your scalp needs to become a little oily to generate growth. if it's dry, the your hair will not only be dead all over, but on the roots too.
using shampoo everyday is harmful coz it makes the hair dry and brittle causing it to break easily as it contains strong chemicals. these dont supply enough nutrients to the hair as they claim to. hair are best treated naturally. try putting in some curd or yoghurt for a few minutes-its better than any other conditioner (though it would make your bathroom smell a lil yucky...).
i don't shampoo everyday. it takes the natural oils out of your hair and makes it unbalanced. i do, however, condition everyday ...i have to..naurally curly hair. i don't think it is harmful but, it's not good for your hair.
ya its harmful only

if u want use any herbal shampoo
yes,it is bcz it turns your hair white.
I agree with all the yeses. I only wish to add this:

One poster said a ';mild'; shampoo like Johnson's baby shampoo is best to wash everyday. NOT TRUE. It's actually harsher on non-baby hair because our bodies change as we grow. What was gentle when we were infants is harsh now. Baby shampoos are gentle on baby hair and scalps but very harsh and drying for anyone over the age of 6, at best.
It can be drying and/or damaging if you're not restoring the Ph Balance/ moisture level to your hair. Shampoo's typically have a note on the label that inform the consumer if it's for daily use but even if it isn't it really depends on the quality of your shampoo and the protection you use if you use heat styling products.
yes, absoletely because the chemicals in the shampoo and conditioner will deteoriate its natural colour, smoothness etc.
yes it is. Your hair slowly breaks down (or looses its ph balance) after every wash and dry. Your scalp tends to become dryer after a while too, which normally ends up evolving into dandruff...its best to wash your hair every three days....and deep condition it when you do.
You should never wash with Shampoo because some chemical in long process of use make your hair colourful and you have to take hair batch once in a week with natural Sikakai powder. That keeps you your hair black and you be a beauty forever.
no..use mild shampoo like Johnson's baby shampoo and you can wash hair everyday
Yes. Unless you have very very oily hair, you shouldn't wash it everyday. It is recommended that you wash your hair every two days if you can. When you wash it everyday, you strip your hair of it's natural oils which help protect it against harmful damages of the sun, wind, brushing, drying, etc. If you absolutely have to wash it everyday, be sure and use a good moisturizing shampoo AND conditioner, and a leave in conditioner.
Not at all
dont use strong shampooos try to use herbal n mild shampoos. u may lose natural shine of ur hair if u wash them daily wash them alternate days
Im not going to say its HARMFULL..persay... but its not healthy. Heres why: The natural oils your scalp produces protect your hair from Uv rays, Contaminants in the air, and keep it shiny. If you wash your hair every day, you wash those natural oils away.

I use conditioner every day, but only wash every other. I am a cosmetologist, and no matter how many times I tell people to only wash their hair every other day, tey still do it every day.. its really up to you..
yes it is harmful to wash hair everyday with shampoo n conditioner u can have fresh aloe vera gel as an option for hair wash no conditioner will b required nor a shmapoo its just herbal and very nice substitute.give it a try
I wash my hair everyday....guess what! I have healthy shiny, moisturised hair!! It is supposedly bad for you, but I have an excellent hair dresser who really has made my hair fab! I take time over my hair care regime, and ensure I condition the ends atleast everyday and then once a week my whole head. I find if you have time, shampoo (dont over do it with the shampoo you want an even lather not a monsoon) then conditon all over the head, again try not to overdo it with the conditioner, leave on hair for 10 mins but wrap in a warm damp towel!! Honestly your hair will feel, light, sleek, shiny and healthy! Give it a and gives results!

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